Tarun Yadav
Bonjour! I am Tarun Yadav a software engineer.
I have been coding for 3 years. Most of my experience lies in full-stack development with JavaScript and it’s frameworks. I have worked with JavaScript/NodeJS, ReactJs, and a little bit of C and Python.
why are you taking this challenge?
I want to be Software Engineer and job Challenge is also happens to be the same direction that I want to take in my career.
something interesting about you?
I create cool projects and also contribute to open source.
help I need?
I need a mentor to create connections in the tech industry.
how to contact me?
FIRST PROJECT :- Movie Library App
Description A Movie Library App made with ReactJS using The Movie Database API.
Tech stack React | TheMovieDB API | Style Component | Reach Router | JavaScript
hosted link https://movielib.netlify.app/
github link https://github.com/tarunyadav1/Movie-Library-App-using-Reactjs-and-The-MovieDB-API
SECOND PROJECT :- Doist App Task Manager App with React Firebase
Description This is task manager app which is build using React and firebase. In this app you can create project and assign the task to the projects. This app also have dark Mode.
Tech stack React | Firebase | Node-SaSS | JavaScript
hosted link https://doistnow.netlify.app/
github link https://github.com/tarunyadav1/Doist-React-App-Using-firebase-
THIRD PROJECT :- Slack clone with React Firebase Redux

Description This is Slack like chat app for Developers with Auth. User can chat in Real time and share images. Users can see other’s user online and offline status.
Tech stack React | Firebase Auth and Database | Semantic UI | Redux | JavaScript
hosted link https://devconnects.netlify.app/
github link https://github.com/tarunyadav1/Slack-clone-with-React-Firebase-Redux
FOURTH PROJECT :- Ecommerce Store React Redux Firebase StripePayment

Description Ecommerce website build using React and Firebase. Auth and Database is from Firebase. Redux is used as state management.
Tech stack React | Firebase Auth and Database | Node-Sass | Redux | JavaScript | Stripe as payment Gateway
hosted link https://meshstore.netlify.app/
github link https://github.com/tarunyadav1/Ecommerce-store-React-Redux-Firebase-StripePayment
FIFTH PROJECT :- Medium Clone with ReactJS

Description This is Medium clone made with React. User’s can post article with tags and filter the article with tags.
Tech stack React | JavaScript
hosted link https://mediumdev.netlify.app/
github link https://github.com/tarunyadav1/Medium-Clone-with-ReactJS
The Birth of React and Reason to learn
Description In this blog, I try to explain how traditional web page works and why we need SPA. Also discuss the pros and cons of the SPA.
link https://medium.com/@tarunyadav9761/the-birth-of-react-and-reason-to-learn-1a4709e5352c
Beginners Guide To React Hooks : Getting Started With React Hooks
Description In this blog, I explain about React hooks. First I begin with what are hooks, then I explain useState
and useEffect
.This will help beginner to understand hooks easily.
link https://dev.to/tarunyadav1/beginners-guide-to-react-hooks-getting-started-with-react-hooks-4lnd
Step-By-Step Guide to Stripe Payments in React
Description Blog about intigrting Stripe Payment in React app. This include code and step by step process.
link https://dev.to/tarunyadav1/step-by-step-guide-to-stripe-payments-in-react-577h