Job Challenge

Elevate Labs aka Job Challenge 2.0

We ran a job challenge earlier this year from March to June and got 10+ students placed in various companies as interns and full-time employees. If you could not complete Job Challenge, Elevatelabs is for you, why wait?

check more details here...

what's the challenge?

#TeamTanayJobChallenge requires you to finish a minimum of 5 projects, 3 blogs and 2 reviews on your projects.

Registrations closed on  1st June,2020

All the best to the participants and the finalists!

challenge details here...

what's TeamTanay?

An open community of over 20K students and developers spanning across the globe...

more about our community...

are we really getting a job?

Yes, though the challenge initially was about getting visibility and creating projects + profile it has transformed. Now, we have hiring partners who are ready to help, interview and hire successful participants from the challenge.

know more about hiring partners

wanna hire through the challenge?🤔

do we have help?

Yes, you have and will have plenty of help from seniors across the industry. They will be guiding you through projects, product and design

checkout our mentors

have some questions?

We're sure you're having tons of questions. We got a lot of them answered already. Before we move on, let's check those out.

some frequently asked questions here..

did you checkout our blogs?

We have cumulated free learning resources, cheap Udemy courses, free design resources and project ideas for you.

see our blogs for helpful content..